Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I thought it would be fun to celebrate Cinco de Mayo as a family.  Christopher had never done a pinata before, so we put one together.  We had fun wrapping the gooey newspaper around the balloon.

Second layer

After the first two layers had dried (we probably should have done three, but since we started on Saturday, we didn't have enough time), we painted our creation.

Christopher was so excited when Dave hit the pinata so hard that the candy went FLYING!

He wanted to keep hitting it, even though the candy was all out

The stash

The demolished pinata

For dinner, I made Tamale Pie (which doesn't actually have any tamales in it), which was delicious, if I do say so myself. :)  I'll post the recipe on This Mama Cooks.  Afterwards we had a nice Family Home Evening lesson on Joseph Smith.  What a nice Monday!


  1. you and melissa really outdid yourselves for cinco de mayo! we just ate taco bell(i forgot it was cinco de mayo until it was already dinner time-oopsie). thanks for the great ideas. i'll have to do a pinata next year now!

    you guys picked out awesome candy. usually pinatas are full of crap candy like tootsie rolls. :)

  2. Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. The pinata is great. How come Dave got to smash it open instead of Christopher, haha. All boys love to smash things.

  3. Great minds think alike! It looks like you guys had a fun time smashing your pinata too!

  4. Christopher actually had the first turn, and then Dave went, but didn't realize he had to stop after one hit (I forgot to tell him). Christopher had a chance to hit some of the candy out - I just didn't get a picture of it. :)

  5. you are a fun mama, what lucky kids you have!

  6. That is such a great idea. I hope I remember and do stuff like that when Brielle gets older!

  7. Hahaha! Nice work on making your own pinata! Joe's family always does a pinata at Christmas (it is so warm here we can) and the little boys love it! Something about swinging a stick I guess... :)
