Friday, October 8, 2010

chris starts elementary school!

Chris started kindergarten on the 23rd of August.  I can't believe he is old enough to be in kindergarten!  The Thursday before, he got a chance to meet his teacher and see his class room.  His teacher is really nice, and things have been going great so far.  On the first day, Naomi and I walked him to his classroom and got him settled in.  I explained to him that I would be there after school to pick him up, and gave him a big hug and told him I loved him.  I didn't get emotional that day; mostly, because I felt that he was so ready to be there, and had been so bored at home.  I did have a bit of a time the next few days, though, when I had to drop him off at the front doors.  After the first day, he had to make it to his room by himself.  He did do carpool drop-off at preschool last year, so it wasn't a totally foreign concept to either of us.  I guess it was just that there were so many kids, and he's expected to find things on his own a lot more.  I kind of felt like I was feeding him to the sharks.  Fortunately, that's just my over-protective motherly instincts kicking in.  He has done great, and is loving school.  I am realizing how important it is to make sure he has the skills necessary to make the right choices, since he's home so much less, and making his own choices so much more.  I love this kid, and am so grateful to be his mom!


  1. I haven't checked in for a while and what a surprise! There has been all sorts of stuff posted since I last looked. Fun!


  2. ps I like the new backgrounds and colors :0)

  3. Thanks, Mom! :) Thought the gray was too blah.
