Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First Steps

Naomi took her first steps the other day.  Sunday to be exact.  Yay for her!  Sunday afternoon I just said, "Naomi - it's time for you to walk!"  She's been wanting to for a long time.  The only way she wants to get around is by walking, but has needed help.  You know - the hand up above her head, holding onto someone's fingers.  Very cute, but bad on the back :)  So, I sat her down with Dave a couple of steps away from me.  She was having a hard time, so we gave her something to hold, which for some reason seems to make it easier.  She took three little steps from Dave to me.  She giggled the whole way, and was so proud of herself.  That, of course, got us laughing, which she thought was great.  More, more!! (one of the words she knows.)  So she kept at it.  At first she would only go from Dave to me (she's going through a bit of separation anxiety at the moment, and is a little clingy), but once she realized the fun wasn't stopping, then she was game to go to both of us.  I'm so proud of her!  I know this opens up a whole new level to the things she can get in to, but she's so much happier after a developmental leap.  Plus, I love watching her excitement as she learns new things.  Go Naomi!


  1. Yeah Naomi! I love that picture of her. Super cute.

  2. Naomi is very cute. Don't you love when they hit all their milestones. It is always so exciting for everyone involved :)

  3. Those are always the best pictures, although it is never fun to clean them up-adorable!
    So exciting for Naomi. I love it when they are walking, it opens up so many new things to explore. I really want Paige to walk soon because I have a lot of cute dresses and skirts and I feel bad putting them on her because it makes it tough to crawl-purely vain reasons:)

  4. yea naomi! it is so cute how proud of herself she is. its so neat to watch little ones learn and grow. naomi is such a sweetie-we loved hanging out with you guys today. cali and naomi were actually playing and sharing together. it was so cute, wasn't it? they are going to be great friends! just don't move any time soon, ok?
