Monday, February 22, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

I have been planning a weekly menu since I first left home to go to college.  It's something my mom has always done, as far as I can remember.  I can't imagine making dinner without planning a weekly menu first!  I don't necessarily stick to the order I arrange the dinners in, and I don't always follow my menu completely.  Some days I wimp out and do something quick and easy.  But, with a menu planned out for the week, I know I have the ingredients to cook healthy, delicious meals for my family until I the next time I go grocery shopping.  I also keep some staples constantly stocked, which makes it easier on the nights when I'm improvising, which usually because what's on the menu just doesn't sound good that night.  When that happens, I usually just move that meal on to the next week, since I know I already have all the ingredients for it.

I follow this site called "I'm an Organizing Junkie", where she lists her menu for the week.  Everyone who participates links up, and then you can see what everyone's menu is for the week.  Kind of fun.  I have been, in my lurker fashion, just reading without linking.  But, I've been wanting to have a way of documenting my menus to keep track of what I've been cooking.  It seems like it will be easier to keep track of the recipes that work, so I can use them again.  For this reason, I have decided to start participating in Menu Plan Monday.  Here's my menu for this week:

Monday: Clam & Potato Chowder (from one of my low cholesterol cookbooks - I'll let you know how it is), leftover homemade bread, green salad

Tuesday: Crockpot Chicken (whatever strikes my fancy - bbq sauce or potatoes or orange sauce), Crash Hot Potatoes, green salad, green beans

Wednesday: Beef Stroganoff, green salad, roasted acorn squash

Thursday: Chicken tacos

Friday: Spaghetti and Meatballs, spinach salad, squash (Naomi loves squash!), garlic bread

Saturday: Leftovers or something easy

Sunday: Dave cooks - aren't I lucky??  He likes to cook, and always makes really yummy dinners for us.  Yesterday he made Bunny Chow (Indian food that he used to have in South Africa) with homemade bread.  Yum!

Monday: (I go shopping on Tuesday, so I always plan Monday's dinner too) Pan seared chicken, rice, green salad, green beans

Baking List: Thick, Chewy Granola Bars


  1. I'm just doing some blog visiting and watching or I should say listening to Judge Judy.

    I love MPM! I get lots of inspiration from the various participants. It definitely helps us from getting bored.
    You have a yummy meal plan.

  2. that sounds great! any chance i can talk you into sending some my way? we should exchange some recipes sometime.

  3. i'm with ya sarah, i don't know how i ever lived without having my menus planned out a week in advance! i love having it written down in plain view at home for the kids and joey to see, no questions as to what we are having and it makes grocery shopping a lot quicker. like you, i don't always stick to my original order but i stay close enough:)

  4. Yummy sounding menu Sarah. Can't wait to come and eat at your house for a week. I guess I'll check your menu before we leave and see what good things are coming up, haha.

  5. Rona - thanks for stopping by!

    Chels - I'll post them on This Mama Cooks. that's all i can promise :)

    holly - thanks for the chalkboard inspiration!

    Mom - I've already got ideas milling around in my brain about what to put on the menu when you're here. So fun!
