Sunday, January 10, 2010

THREE snow falls in december?!

The Tuesday after Christmas, we had ANOTHER snow fall!  It sure was crazy, but a lot of fun.  The kids asked to go play in it after dinner.  I was sure they'd only last a few minutes, since it was dark and cold, but they toughed it out and we even built a snowman.  I think it's the first one either of them have ever built.  What a fun Christmas vacation!


  1. Wow, those two look ready for the arctic winter! haha They have Canadian blood in them, that is why they love the snow :0)


  2. So fun that they got to put on all the snow gear. So cute! It felt so cozy and Christmasy with all the snow.

  3. Snow!!! I love how the kids look up all bundled up... little colorful marshmallows! :)
