Sunday, July 26, 2009


i realized that i hadn't blogged these pictures yet. they're wayyy too cute to not post! katie, my absolutely fabulous sil, got a new lens for her camera. so, we took the kids out (in march, i think) to the field of bluebonnets by our house for a photo shoot. my brother is getting a collage made from them for me for my birthday. yay! (thanks in advance, jeff!)


  1. Those ARE way cute! I love flowers... especially huge fields of them. You've got some darn cute kids there! :)

  2. Those are BEAUTIFUL! Take a pic of the collage you get... can't wait to see it!

  3. So much fun to run around in the bluebonnets. We've got to make that a tradition. I'm excited to see the collage. Cool idea.

  4. Those pictures turned out sooo cute!

  5. Seriously, those are such great pictures! I have lived here over 8 years now and am still yet to get my kids out in the bluebonnets and get pictures taken.
