Saturday, April 4, 2009

Naomi's Birthday!

Naomi's birthday was on the 17th of March - I can't believe she's already two years old!  She is such a sweet little girl with a whole lot of energy.  She is learning so much, and is quite the chatterbox.  Even strangers can understand a lot of what she says.  We love her to pieces, and are so glad she's part of our family!

The birthday tradition in Dave's family is to open presents first thing your birthday morning, and we have embraced that tradition!  So, you'll have to excuse the morning hair and pj's. :)

Ouma and Oupa gave Naomi this beautiful dress - she loves pretty dresses!  She had to put it on first thing.

Grandma and Grandpa got her a push bike, which she loves!  She drives it around everywhere.

The dress and the bike together

I made some T-shirt dresses for her, so she tried those on too.  She's trying to show how old she is on her fingers.

The next day we had a little party for her.  We had snacks, blew bubbles, played on the swing set, had cake and ice cream, and opened presents.  It was low-key, and just right for a two-year old.

Opening presents

The cake - not my standard decorated cake, but Naomi LOVES chocolate, so I did a delicious chocolate cake.  This was called a Gooey Butter Cake, and it was a hit.  I'll post the recipe on This Mama Cooks.


  1. the pics of her on the swing are just ADORABLE! she is such a pretty, sweet and smart little lady(just like her mama:) happy belated birthday naomi! so glad we were able to share it with you!

    i also think the morning gift opening is such a cool idea! its great you are keeping that tradition alive.

  2. Looks like Naomi had a fun b-day. I can't believe she is already 2. She is such a cutie! I love her dresses.

  3. The dresses are darling! I would love to know how to make them!

  4. Charlynn - they're pretty easy. you just cut the hem off of any shirt you'd like to use (i used the cheap $3 ones from walmart), measure from the armpit to the bottom of the shirt, along the side seam. for a 2t shirt, it usually ends up being around 7". then you cut the 7" (or whatever your measurement is) from some fabric (45" wide). sew the fabric together, right sides together, to make a seam (so it's a circle). then you do the ruffles however you do them - there's stuff you can buy to make it easy, or you can do it the old fashioned way - sew around the top of the fabric in really loose stitches, and then gather the fabric along the stitches. then sew the fabric to the shirt, so that the raw edges end up inside the dress. kind of hard to explain, but just pin it together how it should be, and sew it like that. oh, and hem the bottom of the fabric to finish it off. voile! a cool, summer play dress!

  5. Hooray for new posts! Your kids are so cute and growing up! So fun to see the pics... and AWESOME dresses!--loved the directions.
