Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Preschool and birthday fun!

Since it's been so long since I've posted, this post will include a few things all in one.  Christopher started preschool this year, and is loving it.  

this is christopher at school, next to his cubby
He goes Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 till 2, which is great, because most of his friends go (to a different school) Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.  Which means we can still have playdates.  (Hey guys!  We should have a playdate :D)  He has two great teachers, and nine kids in his class.  He get to do cooking, math, movement class, music class, chapel, circle time, quiet time, lunch, and a snack.  This last weekend he even got to bring home the class stuffed animal.  Each class's name is an animal, and his is the Tigers, so he brought home Tito the tiger.  Tito came to Oktoberfest with us, and had a good time.

tito checking out the animals

tito and christopher waiting for lunch

tito got tired and decided to take a nap

He come home singing the songs, and chatting about how his day went.  He is really excited about everything, but definitely a lot more tired than usual.  Life feels kind of crazy when I think my baby is old enough to be going to preschool.  I can't believe it's been four years since he was born!

Speaking of which, Tuesday was his 4th birthday!  He had a great day, and I had a lot of fun celebrating with him.  A tradition for Dave's family is to have the presents in the morning, which is a tradition I like. :)  So, we had all his presents in our room waiting for him when he came downstairs.  He was so excited when he saw the spiderman bike in the middle of it all!  The look on his face was priceless!  That was our present to him (along with a helmet and knee/elbow pads, of course.  I'll post a picture of him riding his bike soon.  He is super cute), and he had to run upstairs and get dressed so he could ride it around.  I'm not sure why he needed to get dressed, but as soon as he was ready, he was taking a practice spin around the kitchen.  

From his Ouma and Oupa he got a super cool car (which he hasn't stopped playing with, by the way.).  Thank you!  Grandpa and Grandma and Amy sent him Thomas books for his Storyreader, which he reads every time we go anywhere in the car.  Thanks!  You guys know him well.  He loves his presents!  We went to story time at the library, and then came back home for lunch.  His requested meal was grilled cheese sandwiches, carrots, and broccoli (that's my boy!).  After lunch we got to have cupcakes with his cousins and auntie and uncle.  They got him this awesome wooden fire station with fire fighters and a fire truck and everything.  This is my favorite toy, because he goes up to his room and plays with it, quietly, for quite a while. :)  We went for two bike rides after lunch (in between piano lessons - oh, yeah, I'm teaching piano lessons.  More on that later, too.), and he got going pretty good the second time.  I might have to plan on taking a jog the next time he wants to go, either that or restrict him to going back and forth in front of our house.

My family's birthday tradition is that the birthday person gets to choose what's for dinner.  Christopher chose homemade pizza (which is great, because I make it with half whole wheat flour, so it's at least a little good for us!), which we enjoyed outside, since it's been so GORGEOUS lately!  We, of course, had cake and ice cream.  So, a great day for a little four year old!

He even got to keep celebrating today when I brought cookies to preschool for his class.  I was going to try and do spiderman themed ones, but ran out of time.  So, the kids just got plain iced sugar cookies.  They're four - they don't care, right? :)  That's what I told myself, anyway.  Today was kind of a crazy day.  Actually, my whole week has been super crazy.  I'm looking forward to the last half of the week, since, hopefully, it will be less intense.   


  1. HaPPy BiRtHdAy ChRiStoPher!! i can't believe you are already 4 years old!! sounds like your mommy & daddy made sure your day was extra special:)

  2. so glad your back! And it looks like you ahve been having soo much fun, so that must be why too busy to blog :)

  3. Happy Birthday Christopher! Sounds like you had a great birthday birthday.

  4. Great pictures! Can't wait to see the ones of him on his new bike :0) Tell Christopher hi from Grandma.

  5. Wow, I know you have heard this a lot, but he is getting old! What a handsome guy!

  6. I wondered what happened to you :) I am busy myself and slacking on the blogger front as well. Anyways being the weekend I will try to respond to my award challenge :)
